Good energy policy choices are about Loving Utah and helping the state we love move forward and achieve new heights now, before the lift is too heavy.

We believe Utah leaders need to do more now and set goals and implement policies to encourage the reduction of greenhouse gasses and other harmful air pollutants as part of a transitional effort and strategy to ensure a prosperous and healthy economic future for Utah.

The RAISE UT coalition envisions a future where all Utahns:

Live & Work in Clean, Affordable Buildings

Buildings that run on electricity contribute fewer harmful emissions that pollute our air

  • Utah is growing rapidly, yet our residential building codes are woefully out of date. Simply adopting the most recent residential energy code is a practical and affordable solution to make buildings cleaner and more affordable. Including electric-ready provisions with better energy efficiency measures will benefit Utahn’s health and air quality for generations to come.

  • The Utah Legislature could adopt updated energy efficiency building codes and electric-ready provisions to enable more electrified, pollution-free buildings that lower energy costs, allow for more efficient use of the electric grid, and improve air quality.

Move With Clean Cars & Trucks

Zero emissions vehicles make our air cleaner and cost less to operate and maintain.

  • The Wasatch Front has a worsening ozone air pollution problem. Also, federal clean air rules require new policy actions to be considered by the state. Reducing harmful pollution from medium and heavy-duty (MHD) vehicles would make the biggest difference, especially as the state moves forward with the construction of the Inland Port.

  • A recent report from the American Lung Association found zero-emission transportation could yield widespread public health benefits in Utah. Federal funding programs can also be leveraged to offer incentives to transition trucks from diesel to electric models. A clean trucks incentive program would be a cost-effective way to accelerate market-driven adoption of clean trucks to improve air quality and reduce ozone-causing emissions from the transportation sector.

Thrive on Clean Electricity

Carbon-free electricity is affordable, reliable, and reduces pollution across our whole economy.

  • The impacts of climate change are intensifying in Utah and the frequency and severity of wildfires, droughts and extreme heat days has increased. Preventing the worst impacts of climate change requires addressing the largest sources of carbon pollution in Utah – like shifting to cleaner electricity generation sources.

  • Reducing power sector emissions in a strategic way can reduce pollution and will not jeopardize grid reliability. In fact, it can make our electricity supply more secure if done right. Utah’s largest utility, PacifiCorp, projects they will reduce their carbon emissions by 80% by 2032. We support the utility for planning to cut emissions, but we also want to make sure they stay on track to actually achieve these reductions.

Learn more about RAISE UT priorities through additional resources, studies, and media stories.